Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Should P.E. Be Reqired For All Students

I personally think it should for your health.It also gives you great fitness and health.Like some examples are body weight, muscle strength, hygiene, also you should eat more healthy foods like fruit, protein, and meat.Plus it gives you more energy and power to do stuff.P.E. makes and/or helps you stay in shape and helps work out your heart and muscles.Even if you might have to run a mile when you dont want to you sometimes don't realize it gets your blood pumping and heart rate up.I sometimes dont want to do P.E. but I try my best and it is also important.That's why I think alot of studentd should attend P.E.

   Pictur From Here           

Thursday, September 29, 2011

What Kind Of Dog Do You Like

What kind of dog do you like?My personal favorite is a Doberman Pinscher or Great Dane because i've had many dogs before.Right now i have a Doberman.Some people have a heated debate and always want the puppys.But sometimes the Adult dogs love people to.Like when my mom rescued an animal from a hospital when they were going to put her to sleep.She had a great family she was a female yellow/gold colored lab.The place that my mom rescued here from was where they made the dog have many babies and abused her.After my mom saved her she was delighted and happyfor a while but one day the next morning she died i was at my grandmas the dog had a tumor the size of a watermelon and the day she died i was so sad so we got her ashes and we always will remember the day we got her R.I.P


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What To Do With A $100

If i had money that i couldn't keep  i'd probably give it away to charity.Or give it to someone who may really need or in help.Like  People with Cancer,MS, Expensive surgery with people who could die.So this is just to show you that if you can't or are not able to hold on to a $100 thn others might need it most.That's why i gave some examples.Plus economics is bad in our country to U.S.A so do what is needed.

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Family Issues

I have had family issues in the past.Like my grandma has MS and she has leg and back problem's and i do the best i can to take good care of her.Like even my grandpa he smoked almost his entire life and needs an oxygen machine/tank to keep him alive.One of the most important things in life is your family.That's why you should be happy and thankful for what you've got because you never know what you got until its gone.So cherish your family moments and friends, neighbors, and people in your life so go do your best by loving caring and cherishing your family.
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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Helping Others Out

When i see people in need of help i sometimes ask them or a teacher if i can help.But their have been times to when i do or don't need help like in math.I sometimes struggle with math.Even though theres always a way/soloution.I can only remember times when i been asked or i ask other folks.So this is just to show you how much you can help.Everyones different anyway and we all have different reasons.So take my addvice and help those in need of it.Like writing spelling, math, art, anything goodluck. 

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Thursday, September 8, 2011

My Favorite Things To Do

My favorite thing to do is sometimes play games or watch movies.But usually at home i just think of stuff to do in the house.So i will get online and look at stuff on the internet.

Picture From Here

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Technology 2011!

This class  has helped me a lot. I am not a very good typist and Technology has helped. I love designing things with computers or playing around with fonts and colors. That is why I loved the projects! If I could change anything I would not do typing web because, I just feel like it doesn't really help. What helps me are the timed typing tests. Overall I really enjoyed this class.

Picture from here

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Roscoe is Okay.

My dog, Roscoe, is a pug. Dogs aren't supposed to eat chocolate. It was the week of valentines Day and we had a bowl of Hershey's Kisses out. While we were at church, Roscoe ate the whole bag!!! We had to take him to the vet three times. This got pretty pricey! This was so pricey because he had to go on a special diet for a whole week. We were so scared. Roscoe is the first dog we have had. Every vet we called said we would probably have to pump the stomach out. After all, Roscoe was fine and he is back to normal.
picture from here

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Should I Work Hard or Be Smart?

I think that working hard is more important than to be smart. I feel this way because not all people are the smartest but if you give 100% effort then eventually it will pay off. I have had an experience that proves this. When I tried out for the 7th grade volleyball team I didn't know a lot about volleyball. I still made the team because I gave it my all. This in the end did pay off because once you work hard you can try to learn or pick up on all the smarts! That is what happened for me so now what I do is just try and learn the details later. I had a really good season in volleyball because I had the right attitude!

Picture from here

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Usual Week!

My week usually begins with a day when we don't really do anything. I have to babbisitt my brothers a lot because my mom and dad are very involved in our church. So sometimes I have to watch my brothers. That is okay because they are really good behaved and they are not too little now. Next, on Tuesday my mom has another meeting so i stay home with my dad and brothers and watch T.V. We usually watch biggest looser or whatever comes on. Wednesdays are my favorite (except of course Fridays). We have late start and that night I usually watch American Idol and my new favorite new show The Voice! Sorry I didn't get to finish.

Picture From Here

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Yes, I have texted something that I said wrong or wished I hadn't said. One time I was texting my friend and I was like "I don't like you!" She took it the wrong way. I was  just joking and it wasn't supposed to be mean. I felt bad after she responded with a " Okay crabby!" It was kind of funny but for now on I guess I will remember to put an LOL or JK after the comment! I have definitely learned from this and will be more careful next time. I guess it helps too that I am more mature now.

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Hudson House

As you can tell by my title I am going to tell you about my house or where I live. I live in a subdivision that is really close to West City Park. This is nice because I can walk with my friends to the park. Our house has four bedrooms. Our home originally had three but after I turned 12 we upgraded to four. I know have a bedroom in the basement and my own bathroom. My brothers each have their own bedroom. MY family and I love our house but there are so things we dislike. One thing we dislike is that there are hills all around our house and no place to ride bikes.:(
Picture from here

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Weather

My family and I get our weather from the Internet. This is a fast and easy way to find out how the weather will be. Knowing the weather is important because we schedule our plans and activities based on the weather. These past days knowing the weather has been very useful because with tornado warnings, and rain, hail, thunder, and lightning we already knew these were coming. We had plans scheduled but they got canceled because we had a heads up on the weather.

Picture From Here

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"If You Want to Lift Yourself Up, Lift Somone Else Up!"

When the Africian Americian leader Booker T. Washington said that quote I think he meant that if you want to be in a good mood then you should lift somone else up. I feel this because sometimes if you lift someone else up then it makes you feel good about yourself. I personally think this is a great quote! I like this quote because it also make somone you lifted up feel good too.

Picture From Here

Monday, April 18, 2011

A Little About Me

Hello, I am Shelby. I don't know if you knew this but I loved to play volleyball! I also really enjoy taking walks to the park. I love to listen to music! Ok, now how about some things I don't like. I can't stand cottage chese. I used to be deathly afraid of dogs. Now, my family and I have A dog and I am over that fear, thank God! My bithday Is in April it is the 21st. This year I am turning 13. I also like to play basketball. Sadly, I didn"t make the 7th grade team. Well, thats me!

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