Thursday, April 26, 2012


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Today, I will be talking about a game called Gary's Mod, or G-Mod for short. It is physics sanbox game where you can do whatever you want. For instance, you can make a flying cheeseburger that shoots out lazers and attack a horde of zombies. It is a very fun game and alot of people on YouTube make videos about it. My favorite is The Idiot Box. If you want to buy this game, you need Steam. Once you download Steam, type Gary's Mod in the search bow and click on it. It costs $9.99, but you have to pay with a credit card. Make sure you have a parent's permission before you buy the game. Once you have it, you can do all sorts of things. There are tutorials that tell youhow to do certain things and help if you can't figure something out. It has very complicated controls so you may need to look at these often.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Day After Earth Day

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Yesterday was Earth Day. It is a holiday about helping the Earth and protecting the environment. Some ways I can help the Earth is by cleaning up trash, recycling, using reusable bags at the store, or even taking shorter showers. All these things can help the environment in many ways. I can also have my frinds help me clean up trash on weekends or raise awarness about polution. Many other people are trying to help the Earth too like scientists. People are trying to find new sources of energy other than fossil fuels. Fossil fuels release carbon-monoxide into the atmosphere and burn holes in the Ozone layer. This is one cause of Global Warming.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Adventures of Titus

One day, a man named Titus was walking through the fair land of Minecraftia when he saw a town in the distance. When he aproached, he saw it was inhabited by cave-man squidwards. He ran into the town but stopped when an iron golem ran after him. He ran back to his castle and retrieved his diamond armor and sword and set out once more. He smote the golem and ran to the villagers. He boasted about his feat but they weren't too happy. He realized this as the villagers attacked him. They sent the ocelots after him and he ran to his castle. When he arrived, he saw an army of Creepers, endermen and dragons attacking. He fought valiantly, but was felled by a ghast. FIN

See image HERE

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The King of the Arctic

There once  lived a mighty peguin in a world much like our own. The penuin was the king of the Arctic. He was adored by his servents and all who lived in his realm. But one day, a ship came into view on the horizon. Inside, there were large white figures. The penguin king and his servents went to the harbor and saw that the figures were the very thing they feared most, Polar Bears. The Polar Bears stormed the beaches and destroyed every igloo in sight. The king retalliated, sending thousands of snowballs at the Polar Bears, causing them to retreat. As the penguins persued their foe, something came from under the ice. As they got a closer look, they noticed it was a killer whale.

See image Here

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


The type of reward that motivates me the most is money. I am always in need of money to buy the newest video game or things of that nature. One of the ways I get money is by working hard in school. Whenever I get my report card my parents give me money if I have good grades. I also earn money by doing chores like mowing the lawn, doing dishes, setting the table or even just cleaning my room.  Sometimes when I go to my grandma's house I can help with stuff for money.

Image Here

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Tomb of the Holy Taco

There once, in a remote part of China, lived a great emporer. His head chef decided that he was going to make the most delicous taco in the universe. As he was cooking the taco, the chef learned of the emporer's death. He and his assistants finished the taco and took it to the tomb where the emporer was being buried. They decided to bury the taco with the emporer so he would have food in the afterlife and would never go hungry. as they were performing a rutual, the taco and the emporer's body bega to glow bright yellow. The men watched in amazment as the taco floated in the air and began to speak.

Clike here for source

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mornin' Grub

It's important to start the day witha healthy breakfast such like eggs and bacon, cereal, or waffles. I know from experience that you should always eat a helthy breakfast. If you don't, you're crabby all day and no one really wants to talk to you. In the mornings, I rarely eat breakfast and because of this I'm always tired and can't concentrate on my schoolwork. When I do eat, I like to have eggs and toast with orange juice to drink. Even if you wake up late, you should always rab a pop-tart to eat on the bus or in the car. You also should make sure your breakfast is healty. If it isn't, you may as well have not eaten in the first place.

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